Editor overview

You can edit regions from your recordings, Apple Loops, and imported audio files in the editor. The types of edits you can make depend on the type of region:

  • Audio regions: You can split, join, rename, and transpose audio regions created from audio Apple Loops or recordings (blue). You can also set whether audio recordings and loops follow the project tempo, adjust their tuning, and enhance their timing.

  • MIDI regions: You can rename and transpose MIDI regions, enhance their timing, and edit notes and controller information. You can also view and edit MIDI regions in score view in the editor.

  • Drummer regions: You can choose drum genres, drummers, and presets, and edit Drummer region settings to control different aspects of the drummer’s performance.

  • Audio files: You can split, join, and rename regions from imported audio files (orange).

You edit regions in the editor. The editor is like a microscope showing a close-up view of part of a track in the Tracks area. For audio tracks, the editor shows the audio waveform of the regions in the track. For software instrument tracks, the editor shows the regions in the track in either a graphical “piano roll” view or a score view.

The editor has its own ruler and playhead, as well as its own grid.

You can zoom the editor independently from the Tracks area using its zoom slider. You can also resize the editor to give yourself more room to work.

Resize the editor vertically

  • Drag the bar at the top of the editor up or down.

Zoom the editor

  • Drag the zoom slider located at the right corner of the editor menu bar.